Contents Joint Rules Montana Legislature
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2011 Joint Rules

10-10. Time of meeting.
10-20. Legislative day -- duration.
10-30. Schedules.
10-40. Adjournment -- recess -- meeting place.
10-50. Access of media -- registration -- decorum -- sanctions.
10-60. Conflict of interest.
10-70. Telephone calls and internet access.
10-80. Joint employees.
10-85. Harassment prohibited -- reporting.
10-90. Legislative interns.
10-100. Legislative Services Division.
10-120. Engrossing and enrolling staff -- duties.
10-130. Bills -- sponsorship -- style -- format -- withdrawal prohibited.
10-140. Voting on bills -- constitutional amendments.
10-150. Recording and publication of voting.
10-160. Journal.
10-170. Journals -- authentication -- availability.

Relations With Other House
20-10. Consent for adjournment or recess.

30-10. Joint committee chair -- exception.
30-20. Voting in joint committees -- exception.
30-30. Conference committees -- subject matter restrictions.
30-40. Conference committee -- enrolling.
30-50. Committee consideration of general appropriation bills.
30-60. Estimation of revenue.
30-70. Appointment of interim committees.

40-10. Amendment to state constitution.
40-20. Appropriation bills -- introduction in House -- feed bill.
40-30. Effective dates.
40-40. Bill requests and introduction -- limits and procedures -- drafting priority -- agency and committee bills.
40-50. Schedules for drafting requests and bill introduction. .
40-60. Joint resolutions.
40-65. Appropriation required for bills requesting interim studies.
40-70. Bills with same purpose -- vetoes.
40-80. Reproduction of full statute required.
40-90. Bills -- original purpose.
40-100. Fiscal notes.
40-110. Sponsor's fiscal note rebuttal.
40-120. Substitute bills.
40-130. Reading of bills.
40-140. Second reading -- bill reproduction.
40-150. Engrossing.
40-160. Enrolling.
40-170. Amendment by second house.
40-180. Final action on a bill.
40-190. Transmittal of bills between houses -- referral -- hearing.
40-200. Transmittal deadlines -- two-thirds vote requirement.
40-210. Governor's veto.
40-220. Response to Governor's veto.
40-230. Governor's recommendations for amendment -- procedure.

60-10. Suspension of joint rule -- change in rules.
60-20. Reference to Mason's Manual.
60-30. Publication and distribution of joint rules.
60-40. Tenure of joint rules.

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