Bills and Resolutions in WordPerfect 5.1 format - Montana Legislature -- May, 2000, Special Session

Bills and Resolutions in WordPerfect 5.1 format (for Downloading)

Montana Legislature -- May, 2000, Special Session

Note that the enrolled version of a bill is indicated by an "x" in the version number field (column eight) of the bill's file name, i.e., HB0001_x.wpd. The enrolled version of a bill is the final version that has been passed by the Legislature.

Unintroduced Bill drafts   List of all unintroduced bill drafts currently on the system.

House Bills   List of all versions of all bills introduced in the House of Representatives.

House Resolutions   --   No simple resolutions were introduced in the House of Representatives for this session.

House Joint Resolutions   List of all versions of all joint resolutions introduced in the House of Representatives.

Senate Bills   List of all versions of all bills introduced in the Senate.

Senate Resolutions   List of all versions of all resolutions introduced in the Senate.

Senate Joint Resolutions   --   No senate joint resolutions were introduced in the Senate for this session.

Session Laws (Chapter Numbers)   List of session laws (enrolled bill text) designated by chapter number. To see a list of Chapter Numbers to Bill Numbers, click here.