Montana Code Annotated 1995

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     27-12-502. Conduct of hearing. (1) At the time set for hearing, the claimant must be present and give a brief statement of his case, including the facts constituting the alleged professional malpractice that he is prepared to prove. The chiropractic physician against whom the claim is brought and his attorney may be present and may make an introductory statement of his case.
     (2) A party may call witnesses to testify before the panel. Witnesses must be sworn. Medical texts, journals, studies, and other documentary evidence relied upon by a party may be offered and admitted if relevant. Written statements of facts by treating chiropractic physicians may be reviewed.
     (3) The hearing is informal, and an official transcript must not be made.

     History: En. Sec. 27, Ch. 262, L. 1989.

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