Part 1. Preferences and General Matters
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18-1-101. Definitions.
18-1-102. State contracts to lowest bidder.
18-1-103. Residence defined.
18-1-104. Repealed.
18-1-105. Repealed.
18-1-106. Department of commerce to determine residency of selected contractors -- applications for redetermination -- determination as prima facie evidence.
18-1-107. through 18-1-109 reserved.
18-1-110. Hiring preference for residents of Indian reservations for state construction projects within reservation -- rules.
18-1-111. Impartiality to be shown in letting contracts -- preference to residents.
18-1-112. Montana product preference provisions.
18-1-113. Bidder to submit affidavit -- penalty.
18-1-114. Rules.
18-1-115. through 18-1-117 reserved.
18-1-118. Access to records of contracting entities.