Part 8. Investments
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33-2-801. Scope of part.
33-2-802. Eligibility of investments.
33-2-803. General qualifications of investments.
33-2-804. Prohibited investments and investment underwriting.
33-2-805. Authorization of investment or loan.
33-2-806. Diversification of investments.
33-2-807. through 33-2-810 reserved.
33-2-811. United States or Canadian government obligations -- loans guaranteed.
33-2-812. State, county, municipal, and school obligations.
33-2-813. Revenue bonds.
33-2-814. Improvement district obligations.
33-2-815. Irrigation district obligations.
33-2-816. Obligations or stock of certain federal agencies.
33-2-817. International bank.
33-2-818. Corporate bonds and debentures.
33-2-819. Preferred or guaranteed stock.
33-2-820. Common stocks.
33-2-821. Insurance stocks.
33-2-822. Stocks of subsidiaries.
33-2-823. Equipment trust certificates.
33-2-824. Investment trust securities.
33-2-825. Policy loans.
33-2-826. Collateral loans.
33-2-827. Savings and loan.
33-2-828. Foreign securities.
33-2-829. Miscellaneous investments.
33-2-830. Real estate mortgages.
33-2-831. Chattel mortgages.
33-2-832. Real estate.
33-2-833. Obligations of federal housing administrator and national mortgage associations.
33-2-834. through 33-2-840 reserved.
33-2-841. Time limit for disposal of real estate -- extension.
33-2-842. Time limit for disposal of other ineligible property and securities -- extension.
33-2-843. Failure to dispose of real estate, personal property, or securities -- effect -- penalty.
33-2-844. through 33-2-850 reserved.
33-2-851. Special investments by title insurer.
33-2-852. Investments of foreign insurers.