Part 2. Justices of the Peace
Back Up One Level in Table of Contents
3-10-201. Election.
3-10-202. Oath -- proof of certification.
3-10-203. Orientation course -- annual training.
3-10-204. Residence requirements.
3-10-205. Term of office.
3-10-206. Vacancies.
3-10-207. Salaries.
3-10-208. Office hours.
3-10-209. Expenses.
3-10-210. through 3-10-220 reserved.
3-10-221. Duties of justices.
3-10-222. Collection and payment of moneys.
3-10-223. through 3-10-230 reserved.
3-10-231. Circumstances in which an acting justice called in -- by whom.
3-10-232. Docket entries by acting justice.
3-10-233. Jurisdiction of acting justice.
3-10-234. Expenses of acting justice.