Part 3. Kinds of Ownership Interests
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70-1-301. Interests in real property specially named elsewhere.
70-1-302. Ownership -- absolute or qualified.
70-1-303. When ownership absolute.
70-1-304. When ownership qualified.
70-1-305. Ownership by single person.
70-1-306. Ownership by several persons -- types.
70-1-307. Joint interest defined.
70-1-308. Safe deposit box -- joint tenancy.
70-1-309. Repealed.
70-1-310. Action by or against joint tenants or tenants in common.
70-1-311. Abuse of property held jointly or in common -- action -- mining property.
70-1-312. Partnership interest defined.
70-1-313. Interest in common defined.
70-1-314. Interest in common -- how created.
70-1-315. Interest as to time of enjoyment.
70-1-316. Present interest -- to what entitles owner.
70-1-317. Future interest -- to what entitles owner.
70-1-318. What future interests recognized.
70-1-319. Mere possibility not an interest.
70-1-320. Perpetual interest -- duration.
70-1-321. Limited interest -- duration.
70-1-322. Kinds of future interests.
70-1-323. Future interest -- when vested.
70-1-324. Future interest -- when contingent.
70-1-325. Two or more alternative future interests.
70-1-326. Future interests -- how passed.