Part 2. Interlocal Cooperation Commission
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7-11-201. Statement of policy.
7-11-202. Purpose.
7-11-203. Definitions.
7-11-204. Authorization for establishment of interlocal cooperation commissions.
7-11-205. Limitation on number of interlocal cooperation commissions.
7-11-206. Term of commission.
7-11-207. Composition of commission.
7-11-208. Qualifications of members of commission.
7-11-209. Time of appointment.
7-11-210. Vacancies.
7-11-211. Compensation for members of commission.
7-11-212. Organization of commission -- meetings.
7-11-213. Conduct of business.
7-11-214. through 7-11-220 reserved.
7-11-221. Powers and duties of commission.
7-11-222. Management of commission finances.
7-11-223. Authorization to make appropriations for commission.
7-11-224. Preparation of comprehensive program.
7-11-225. Considerations in preparation of proposals.
7-11-226. Consideration of property and debts.
7-11-227. Furnishing of information to commission.
7-11-228. Public hearings on proposed program -- notice.
7-11-229. Recommendations to implement program.
7-11-230. Procedure for making recommendations.