Part 2. Solid Waste Management Districts
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7-13-201. Findings and purpose.
7-13-202. Definitions.
7-13-203. Authorization to create solid waste management district.
7-13-204. Resolution of intention to create solid waste management district.
7-13-205. Sufficiency of description in resolution of intention.
7-13-206. Transmittal of resolution of intention to municipalities.
7-13-207. Concurrence or nonconcurrence by municipality.
7-13-208. Notice of resolutions of intention and concurrence -- hearing.
7-13-209. Right to protest.
7-13-210. Hearing on protest.
7-13-211. Sufficient protest to bar proceedings.
7-13-212. Resolution creating district -- power to order improvements.
7-13-213. District to be administered by appointed board of directors.
7-13-214. (Temporary) Composition of board of directors.
7-13-215. Powers and duties of board.
7-13-216. Implementation of program.
7-13-217. Changes in district boundaries.
7-13-218. Role of county attorney.
7-13-219. through 7-13-230 reserved.
7-13-231. Authorization for charges for services.
7-13-232. Determination of service charge.
7-13-233. Procedure to collect service charge.
7-13-234. Disposition and administration of proceeds.
7-13-235. Installment payments for capital improvements.
7-13-236. Revenue bonds and obligations.
7-13-237. Solid waste management district bonds authorized.
7-13-238. through 7-13-240 reserved.
7-13-241. Repealed.
7-13-242. Repealed.
7-13-243. Repealed.