Part 6. Fish Ponds, Seining, and Commercial Taking of Aquatic Fish Food Organisms
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87-4-601. (Temporary) Sale of fish or spawn unlawful -- exceptions.
87-4-602. Seining licenses.
87-4-603. Fish pond license for artificial lake or pond -- records.
87-4-604. Repealed.
87-4-605. Records and report of whitefish sales by fishing license holders.
87-4-606. Term of license -- license not transferable.
87-4-607. Revocation of fish pond license.
87-4-608. Unlawful taking of crayfish -- penalty.
87-4-609. Regulation of commercial taking of aquatic fish food organisms -- permit -- rulemaking authority.
87-4-610. Fees for commercial taking of aquatic fish food organisms -- use of fees.