Part 1. General Methods
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15-7-101. Classification and appraisal -- duties of the department of revenue.
15-7-102. Notice of classification and appraisal to owners -- appeals.
15-7-103. Classification and appraisal -- general and uniform methods.
15-7-104. Work done under prior law.
15-7-105. Purpose.
15-7-106. Courses of instruction, examination, and certification -- additional courses.
15-7-107. Certification required.
15-7-109. and 15-7-110 reserved.
15-7-111. Periodic revaluation of certain taxable property.
15-7-112. Equalization of valuations.
15-7-113. Program exclusive.
15-7-114. Law supplemental.
15-7-115. through 15-7-120 reserved.
15-7-121. Repealed.
15-7-122. Temporary authority to exceed mill levy limitations.
15-7-123. through 15-7-130 reserved.
15-7-131. Policy.
15-7-132. Repealed.
15-7-133. Repealed.
15-7-134. Extension of reappraisal cycle for class three land.