Part 25. Classification and Alternative Management of County Lands
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7-8-2501. Purposes of part.
7-8-2502. Application of part.
7-8-2503. Definitions.
7-8-2504. Classification of county lands.
7-8-2505. Rules for administration of county lands.
7-8-2506. Advisory committee.
7-8-2507. Land management alternatives.
7-8-2508. Details relating to leases, permits, and licenses.
7-8-2509. Improvements on leaseholds.
7-8-2510. Special provisions relating to oil and gas development.
7-8-2511. Procedure for sale of county lands.
7-8-2512. Procedure to exchange county lands.
7-8-2513. Appraisal of land required -- exception.
7-8-2514. Reservations of interest by county.
7-8-2515. Apportionment and distribution of revenues from land.