Montana Code Annotated 1999

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     82-11-137. Class II injection well operating fee. (1) For the purpose of providing funds for defraying the expenses of operating and enforcing the class II injection well regulatory program, as defined by the federal environmental protection agency or any successor agency, each operator of a class II injection well may be required to pay an annual operating fee not to exceed $300 per injection well.
     (2) The department shall collect the operating fee at such time as the board may prescribe by rule. All money collected under this section must be forwarded to the state treasurer for deposit in the state special revenue fund and must be used for the purpose prescribed in subsection (1).
     (3) The board shall, by rule adopted pursuant to the provisions of the Montana Administrative Procedure Act, fix the amount of the fee described in subsection (1) and may from time to time reduce or increase the amount thereof as the expenses chargeable against the state special revenue fund may require. However, the assessment fixed by the board may not exceed the limits prescribed in subsection (1). The amount of the fee must be expressed in dollars.

     History: En. Sec. 13, Ch. 503, L. 1987.

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