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1-5-401. Appointment.
1-5-402. Qualifications -- residence.
1-5-403. Term of office.
1-5-404. Revocation of commission.
1-5-405. Bond and commission.
1-5-406. Liabilities on official bond.
1-5-407. Certifying the official character of a notary.
1-5-408. Fees for filing commission and issuing certificates.
1-5-409. Information to be filed.
1-5-410. through reserved.
1-5-415. Jurisdiction.
1-5-416. Powers and duties.
1-5-417. Authority of notaries who are stockholders, officers, or employees of corporations.
1-5-418. Fees of notaries.
1-5-419. Transfer of records upon termination of office.
1-5-420. Powers and duties of clerk with whom records deposited.