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72-31-201. Statutory form of power of attorney.
72-31-202. through . Renumbered by Code Commissioner, 1993.
72-31-209. Repealed.
72-31-210. Repealed.
72-31-211. Renumbered by Code Commissioner, 1993.
72-31-212. Renumbered by Code Commissioner, 1993.
72-31-213. through . Repealed.
72-31-217. through reserved.
72-31-222. Durable power of attorney.
72-31-223. Construction of powers generally.
72-31-224. Construction of power relating to real property transactions.
72-31-225. Construction of power relating to tangible personal property transactions.
72-31-226. Construction of power relating to stock and bond transactions.
72-31-227. Construction of power relating to commodity and option transactions.
72-31-228. Construction of power relating to banking and other financial institution transactions.
72-31-229. Construction of power relating to business operating transactions.
72-31-230. Construction of power relating to insurance transactions.
72-31-231. Construction of power relating to estate, trust, and other beneficiary transactions.
72-31-232. Construction of power relating to claims and litigation.
72-31-233. Construction of power relating to personal and family maintenance.
72-31-234. Construction of power relating to benefits from social security, medicare, medicaid, or other governmental programs or from military service.
72-31-235. Construction of power relating to retirement plan transactions.
72-31-236. Construction of power relating to tax matters.
72-31-237. Existing interests -- foreign interests.
72-31-238. Uniformity of application and construction.