Montana Code Annotated 2003

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     15-70-344. Distributor's statement and payment -- confidentiality. (1) Each distributor shall, not later than the 25th day of each calendar month, except as provided in 15-70-113(3), render to the department of transportation a signed statement that specifies all special fuel distributed and received by the distributor in this state during the preceding calendar month and that contains other information the department may reasonably require in order to administer the special fuel license tax law. The statement must be accompanied by a payment in an amount equal to the tax imposed by 15-70-343, less any refund credit issued under 15-70-356 and less 1% of the total tax that may be deducted by the distributor as an allowance for collection.
     (2) A distributor engaged in or carrying on a business at more than one location in this state may include all places of business in one statement.
     (3) The department or a deputy, assistant, agent, clerk, or other employee of the department may not publish or otherwise disseminate information contained in a statement required under this section in a form that allows identification of a distributor or a purchaser of special fuel. This section does not prohibit:
     (a) the delivery to a distributor or a distributor's authorized representative of a certified copy of any return or report filed in connection with the distributor's tax;
     (b) the inspection by the attorney general or by another legal representative of the state of the report or return of a distributor who brings an action to set aside or review the tax based on the report or return or against whom an action or proceeding has been instituted in accordance with the provisions of Title 15;
     (c) the publication of statistics classified to prevent the identification of particular reports or returns and the items in the reports or returns;
     (d) the inspection by the commissioner of internal revenue of the United States or by the proper officer of any state imposing a tax on special fuel or by any representative of either officer of the report or return of any distributor or the furnishing to the officer or authorized representative of an abstract of the report or return, but permission must be granted or information must be furnished to the officer or the officer's representative only if the statutes of the United States or the other state grant substantially similar privileges to the proper officer of this state charged with the administration of this chapter or in compliance with 15-70-121 and 15-70-122; or
     (e) the compliance of the department with any order of a court of competent jurisdiction.

     History: En. Sec. 27, Ch. 525, L. 1993; amd. Sec. 6, Ch. 77, L. 1999.

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