Montana Code Annotated 2003

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     25-10-303. Attorney's fees -- motor vehicle claim. In an action involving solely the recovery of property damages arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle, in which the plaintiff secures a judgment equal to or greater than the amount of damages claimed by the plaintiff in his last written offer to the defendant or his agent prior to the filing of the cause of action, the court shall allow plaintiff's reasonable attorney's fee, which shall be fixed by the court, not withstanding any agreement between the parties to the contrary. If the defendant or his agent fails to make any offer within 15 days of the date requested to do so by the plaintiff, the plaintiff may file the cause of action and, if successful in the action, shall be entitled to his reasonable attorney's fee under this provision.

     History: En. Sec. 3, Ch. 528, L. 1981.

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