Montana Code Annotated 2003
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Part 3. Licensing

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37-67-301. License required to practice or offer to practice.
37-67-302. Practice without a license a public nuisance.
37-67-303. Application -- contents -- fees.
37-67-304. Local government not to impose fee or examination.
37-67-305. General qualifications of applicants for licensure as professional engineer or certification as engineer intern.
37-67-306. Qualifications of applicant for licensure as professional engineer.
37-67-307. Qualifications of applicant for registration as engineer intern.
37-67-308. General qualifications of applicants for licensure as professional land surveyor or certification as land surveyor intern.
37-67-309. Qualifications of applicant for licensure as professional land surveyor.
37-67-310. Qualifications of applicant for certification as land surveyor intern.
37-67-311. Examinations -- fees -- third-party services.
37-67-312. Licensure of professional engineers without examination by comity or endorsement.
37-67-313. Comity consideration for land surveyors from other states.
37-67-314. Issuance of licenses -- seal of professional engineer or professional land surveyor -- enrollment card for interns.
37-67-315. Biennial renewal -- fee -- statement of competency.
37-67-316. Replacement of lost or destroyed certificate or license.
37-67-317. Deposit of moneys collected.
37-67-318. Roster of licensees to be published by department.
37-67-319. Repealed.
37-67-320. Sole proprietorships, firms, partnerships, and corporations -- requirements -- exceptions.
37-67-321. Emeritus status.
37-67-322 through 37-67-330 reserved.
37-67-331. Revocation, suspension, or refusal to renew license -- grounds -- procedure -- reinstatement.
37-67-332. Violations -- penalties -- enforcement.