19-20-731. Postretirement employment limitations -- cancellation and recalculation of benefits. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a retired member may be employed part-time by a school district, state agency, or unit of the university system in a position eligible to participate in the retirement system and may earn, without an adjustment of retirement benefits, an amount not to exceed the greater of:
(a) one-third of the sum of the member's average final compensation; or
(b) one-third of the median of the average final compensation for members retired during the preceding fiscal year as determined by the retirement board.
(2) On July 1 of each year following the member's retirement effective date, the maximum that a retired member may earn under subsection (1)(a) is increased by an amount equal to the consumer price index increase for urban wage earners compiled by the bureau of labor statistics of the United States department of labor or its successor agency in the preceding calendar year.
(3) Except as provided in subsection (5), the retirement benefit of a retired member:
(a) employed in a part-time position or earning more than allowed by subsections (1) and (2) must be temporarily reduced by $1 for each dollar earned over the maximum allowed. Monthly benefits must be reduced beginning as soon as practical after the excess earnings have been reported to the retirement system by the employer. The retirement benefit must be canceled if the retired member's earnings over the maximum allowed exceed the gross monthly benefit amount.
(b) employed in a full-time position must be canceled beginning in the month in which the retired member returns to full-time employment.
(4) Upon termination and retirement subsequent to a cancellation of benefits pursuant to subsection (3), the retirement benefit of a member:
(a) who was reemployed and earned less than 1 year of creditable service must be reinstated beginning either the first of the month following termination or on July 1 following the date on which the retired member was reemployed, whichever is later. The reinstated retirement benefit is the amount and option that the retired member would have been entitled to receive had the retired member not returned to employment.
(b) who was reemployed and earned at least 1 year of creditable service must be recalculated under 19-20-804 if the member has attained normal retirement age or under 19-20-802 if the member has not attained normal retirement age but is eligible for early retirement. The recalculated benefit is based on the service credit accumulated at the time of the member's previous retirement, plus any service credit accumulated subsequent to reemployment. The recalculated normal form benefit amount must be increased by the amount of any benefit enhancement received pursuant to 19-20-719 that the retired member was receiving when the member's benefits were canceled.
(5) If an early-retired member under 19-20-802 is reemployed with the same employer within 30 days from the member's effective date of retirement or if the early-retired member is guaranteed reemployment with the same employer, the member must be considered to have continued in the status of an active member and not to have separated from service. Any retirement allowance payments received by the member must be repaid to the system, together with interest, at the actuarially assumed rate, and the retirement allowance must be canceled.
History: En. Sec. 14, Ch. 320, L. 2005.