Montana Code Annotated 2005

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     7-14-2907. Cost of road improvement districts -- property owner assessments. (1) The cost of operating a road improvement district must be assessed upon all the benefited property in the district based upon the benefits received, and the board of county commissioners shall adopt one or any combination of the following methods of assessment for improvements made for the benefit of the district:
     (a) Each parcel of benefited property assessed in such district may be assessed with that part of the whole cost which its assessable area bears to the assessable area of all the benefited parcels in the district, exclusive of roads and public places. For the purposes of this subsection (1)(a), "assessable area" means an area of a parcel of benefited property representing the benefit conferred upon the parcel by the improvement. Assessable area may be less than but may not exceed the actual area of the parcel.
     (b) Each parcel of benefited property assessed in the district may be assessed with that part of the whole cost of the improvement based upon the assessed value of the benefited parcels of land within said district if the board determines such assessment to be equitable in proportion to and not exceeding the benefits received from the improvement by the parcel.
     (c) Each parcel of benefited property in the district abutting upon the road where the improvement has been made may be assessed in proportion to its lineal feet abutting the road.
     (d) Each parcel of benefited property in the district may be assessed an equal amount based upon the total cost of the improvement.
     (2) The board may use one or any combination of methods of assessment in a single road improvement district and, if more than one improvement is undertaken, need not assess each parcel of benefited property in the district for the cost of all the improvements.
     (3) Not later than the first Monday in September of each year, the board of county commissioners shall adopt a resolution levying and assessing upon all the benefited property in the district an amount equal to the total amount necessary for district operations. The amount necessary for district operations is the total of:
     (a) (i) the estimated amount for improvements as authorized in 7-14-2903; and
     (ii) the amount necessary to pay for debts for authorized improvements that cost more than estimated in previous years;
     (b) less any amount in the road improvement district fund, as provided for in 7-14-2908, that may be unspent, unencumbered, and available for district use.
     (4) (a) It is the duty of the county treasurer to collect the assessments in the same manner and at the same time as taxes for general purposes are collected.
     (b) When an assessment becomes delinquent, the unpaid amount becomes a lien on the assessed parcel of land. The collection of delinquent assessments or enforcement of a lien may be made by any method authorized by law for the collection or payment of taxes.

     History: En. Sec. 4, Ch. 308, L. 1989; amd. Sec. 3, Ch. 269, L. 1993.

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