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22-1-701. Public library districts -- purpose -- territory.
22-1-702. Creation or enlargement of public library district.
22-1-703. Election on creation of district.
22-1-704. Formation of public library district -- appointment of initial board of trustees.
22-1-705. Consolidation of existing public libraries and public library districts.
22-1-706. Election of board of trustees -- compensation -- removal -- single-member trustee districts.
22-1-707. Duties and powers of board of trustees.
22-1-708. Public library district budget -- property tax levy.
22-1-709. Election to change maximum property tax mill levy.
22-1-710. Dissolution of public library district.
22-1-711. Effect of dissolution.
22-1-712 through 22-1-715 reserved.
22-1-716. Library depreciation reserve fund.