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44-1-501. Payment of expenses.
44-1-502. Repealed.
44-1-503. Salary upon permanent appointment.
44-1-504. Special revenue account to partially fund highway patrol officers' salaries -- statutory appropriation.
44-1-505 through 44-1-510 reserved.
44-1-511. Payment of salary benefit to officers injured in performance of duty.
44-1-512. Determination of eligibility for salary benefit.
44-1-513. Periodic medical examinations -- waiver of right to salary benefit.
44-1-514. Discontinuation of salary benefit when retirement allowance granted.
44-1-515. Assignment to light duty or another position within department of justice.
44-1-516. Effect on probationary status.
44-1-517. Subrogation.
44-1-518. Contribution for retirement -- length of service credit -- transfer of retirement contributions.