Montana Code Annotated 2005
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Part 21. Hospital Districts

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7-34-2101. Purpose of part.
7-34-2102. Definitions.
7-34-2103. Petition required to create hospital district.
7-34-2104. Details relating to petition.
7-34-2105. Petition to be filed with county clerk -- clerk's certificate.
7-34-2106. Presentation of petition to board of county commissioners -- hearing required.
7-34-2107. Notice of hearing.
7-34-2108. Hearing on petition.
7-34-2109. Election on question of creating hospital district.
7-34-2110. Resolution calling for election.
7-34-2111. Territory of hospital district.
7-34-2112. Conduct of election on question of creating district.
7-34-2113. Who may vote.
7-34-2114. Procedure upon favorable vote.
7-34-2115. District to be governed by elected trustees -- legal assistance.
7-34-2116. Election of first board of trustees.
7-34-2117. Procedure for conduct of election for trustees -- appointment of trustees.
7-34-2118. Term of office.
7-34-2119. Organization of board of trustees.
7-34-2120. Compensation of trustees.
7-34-2121. Vacancies.
7-34-2122. Powers of district.
7-34-2123. Admission to district hospital facilities.
7-34-2124 through 7-34-2130 reserved.
7-34-2131. Hospital district bonds and notes authorized.
7-34-2132. Hospital district budget.
7-34-2133. Levy of district taxes.
7-34-2134. Repealed.
7-34-2135. Repealed.
7-34-2136. Repealed.
7-34-2137. Collection of taxes and disposition of funds.
7-34-2138. Hospital district capital replacement fund.
7-34-2139 through 7-34-2150 reserved.
7-34-2151. Annexation of land to hospital district.
7-34-2152. Petition to annex land.
7-34-2153. Hearing on petition for annexation -- notice.
7-34-2154. Decision on annexation petition.
7-34-2155. Effect of annexation.
7-34-2156. Withdrawal of land from hospital district.
7-34-2157. Hearing on petition for withdrawal -- notice.
7-34-2158. Decision on withdrawal petition -- appeal.
7-34-2159. Effective date of withdrawal.
7-34-2160. Withdrawing property subject to existing indebtedness.
7-34-2161. Dissolution of hospital district.
7-34-2162. Hearing on petition for dissolution -- notice.
7-34-2163. Decision on dissolution petition.
7-34-2164. Effect of dissolution.