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87-5-101. Short title.
87-5-102. Definitions.
87-5-103. Legislative intent, findings, and policy.
87-5-104. Investigations by department.
87-5-105. Regulations to manage nongame wildlife.
87-5-106. Unlawful acts.
87-5-107. List of endangered species.
87-5-108. Establishment of programs.
87-5-109. Taking of species for educational, scientific, or other purposes.
87-5-110. Department to issue regulations.
87-5-111. Enforcement and penalty.
87-5-112. Construction.
87-5-113 through 87-5-115 reserved.
87-5-116. Limited taking of certain nongame wildlife for commercial purposes -- exceptions.
87-5-117 through 87-5-120 reserved.
87-5-121. Nongame wildlife account.
87-5-122. Duties of commission.
87-5-123 through 87-5-130 reserved.
87-5-131. Process for delisting of gray wolf -- management following delisting.
87-5-132. Use of radio-tracking collars for monitoring wolf packs.