Montana Code Annotated 2007

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Part 3. Metal Mine Reclamation

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82-4-301. Legislative intent and findings.
82-4-302. Purpose.
82-4-303. Definitions.
82-4-304. Exemption -- works performed prior to promulgation of rules.
82-4-305. Exemption -- small miners -- written agreement.
82-4-306. Confidentiality of application information.
82-4-307. Review of existing files.
82-4-308. Release by waiver.
82-4-309. Exemption -- operations on federal lands.
82-4-310. Exemption -- scale and type of activity.
82-4-311. Disposition of fees, fines, penalties, and other uncleared money.
82-4-312. Hard-rock mining reclamation debt service fund.
82-4-313. Hard-rock mining reclamation bonds.
82-4-314. Authorization for sale of hard-rock mining reclamation bonds.
82-4-315. Hard-rock mining reclamation special revenue account.
82-4-316. through reserved.
82-4-321. Administration.
82-4-322. Investigations, research, and experiments.
82-4-323. Interagency cooperation -- receipt and expenditure of funds.
82-4-324. through reserved.
82-4-331. Exploration license required -- employees included -- limitation.
82-4-332. Exploration license.
82-4-333. Repealed.
82-4-334. Exception -- geological phenomena.
82-4-335. Operating permit -- limitation -- fees.
82-4-336. Reclamation plan and specific reclamation requirements.
82-4-337. Inspection -- issuance of operating permit -- modification, amendment, or revision.
82-4-338. Performance bond.
82-4-339. Annual report of activities by permittee -- fee -- notice of large-scale mineral developer status.
82-4-340. Successor operator.
82-4-341. Compliance -- reclamation by department.
82-4-342. Amendment to operating permits.
82-4-343. through reserved.
82-4-349. Limitations of actions -- venue.
82-4-350. Award of costs and attorney fees.
82-4-351. Reasons for denial of permit.
82-4-352. Reapplication with new reclamation plan.
82-4-353. Administrative remedies -- notice -- appeals -- parties.
82-4-354. Mandamus to compel enforcement.
82-4-355. Action for damages to water supply -- replacement.
82-4-356. Action in response to complaints related to use of explosives.
82-4-357. Abatement of environmental emergencies.
82-4-358. and reserved.
82-4-360. When activity prohibited -- exception.
82-4-361. Violation -- penalties -- waiver.
82-4-362. Suspension of permits -- hearing.
82-4-363. through reserved.
82-4-367. Long-term or perpetual water treatment permanent trust fund.
82-4-368. through reserved.
82-4-371. Reclamation of abandoned mine sites.
82-4-372. Filing of lien for abandoned mine reclamation project.
82-4-373. through reserved.
82-4-390. Cyanide heap and vat leach open-pit gold and silver mining prohibited.