Montana Code Annotated 2013

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     20-7-134. Access to public high school campuses -- definition. (1) The access provided to recruiters for the United States armed forces by a public high school must be equal to the access granted to other recruiting groups and organizations. The access must include any directory information that may be released about students pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. Parents or legal guardians have the right to inform the high school that they do not wish to have an armed forces recruiter speak to their children.
     (2) For purposes of this section, "armed forces" means the United States army, air force, navy, marines, coast guard, and merchant marine, including the United States military reserves of these services, the Montana national guard, and the service academies and training programs for these services.

     History: En. Sec. 1, Ch. 271, L. 2003.

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