Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Joint Rules

   Joint Rule 10-150. Recording and publication of voting. (1) Every vote of each member on each substantive question in the Legislature, in any committee, or in Committee of the Whole must be recorded and made available to the public. On final passage of any bill or joint resolution, the vote must be taken by ayes and noes and the names entered on the journal.
   (2) (a) Roll call votes must be taken by ayes and noes and the names entered on the journal on adopting an adverse committee report and on those motions made in Committee of the Whole to:
   (i) amend;
   (ii) recommend passage or nonpassage;
   (iii) recommend concurrence or nonconcurrence; or
   (iv) indefinitely postpone.
   (b) The text of all proposed amendments in Committee of the Whole must be recorded.
   (3) A roll call vote must be taken on nonsubstantive questions on the request of two members who may, on any vote, request that the ayes and noes be spread upon the journal.
   (4) Roll call votes and other votes that are to be made public but are not specifically required to be spread upon the journal must be entered in the minutes of the appropriate committee or of the appropriate house (Montana Constitution, Art. V, Sec. 11(2)). A copy of the minutes must be filed with the Montana Historical Society. If electronically recorded minutes are kept for a committee, a written log conforming to section 2-3-212(2), MCA, must also be kept.

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