Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Joint Rules

   Joint Rule 10-50. Access of media -- registration -- decorum -- sanctions. (1) Subject to the presiding officer's discretion on issues of decorum and order, a registered media representative may not be prohibited from photographing, televising, or recording a legislative meeting or hearing.
   (2) The presiding officer shall authorize the issuance of cards to media representatives to allow floor access, and media representatives holding the cards are subject to placement on the floor by the presiding officer. The presiding officer may delegate enforcement of this rule to the office of the Secretary of the Senate, Chief Clerk of the House, the respective Sergeant-at-Arms, or the Legislative Information Officer. The privilege may be revoked or suspended for a violation of decorum and order as agreed to by the media representative upon application for registration.
   (3) Registered media representatives may be subject to seating in designated areas. Overflow access will be in the gallery.

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