Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Joint Rules

   Joint Rule 10-70. Telephone calls and internet access. (1) Long-distance telephone calls made by a member on a state telephone while the Legislature is in session or while the member is in travel status are considered official legislative business. These include but are not limited to calls made to constituencies, places of business, and family members. A member's access to the internet through a permissible server is a proper use of the state communication system if the use is for legislative business or is within the scope of permissible use of long-distance telephone calls.
   (2) Session staff, including aides, may use state telephones for long-distance calls only if specifically authorized to do so by their legislative sponsor or supervisor. Sponsoring members and supervisors are accountable for use of state telephones and internet access by their staff, including aides, and may not authorize others to use state phones or state servers to access the internet.
   (3) Permanent staff of the Legislature shall comply with executive branch rules applying to the use of state telephones.
   (4) For purposes of this section, "state telephone" or "state phone" means a landline telephone or other telephone provided by the state.

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