Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Joint Rules

   Joint Rule 30-50. Committee consideration of general appropriation bills. (1) All general appropriation bills must first be considered by a joint subcommittee composed of designated members of the Senate Finance and Claims Committee and the House Appropriations Committee, and then by each committee separately.
   (2) Joint meetings of the House Appropriations Committee and the Senate Finance and Claims Committee must be held upon call of the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, who is chair of the joint committee.
   (3) The committee chair of the Senate Finance and Claims Committee or of the House Appropriations Committee may be a voting member in the joint subcommittees if:
   (a) either house has fewer members on the joint subcommittees;
   (b) the chair represents the house with fewer members on the subcommittees; and
   (c) the chair is present for the vote at the time that a question is called. A vote may not be held open to facilitate voting by a chair.

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