Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Joint Rules

   Joint Rule 30-70. Appointment of interim committees. As provided for in section 5-5-211(6), MCA, 50% of interim committees must be selected from the following legislative standing committees:
   (1) Economic Affairs Interim Committee:
   (a) Senate Agriculture, Livestock, and Irrigation Committee;
   (b) Senate Business, Labor, and Economic Affairs Committee;
   (c) Senate Finance and Claims Committee;
   (d) House Agriculture Committee;
   (e) House Business and Labor Committee;
   (f) House Federal Relations, Energy, and Telecommunications Committee; and
   (g) House Appropriations Committee;
   (2) Education and Local Government Interim Committee:
   (a) Senate Education and Cultural Resources Committee;
   (b) Senate Local Government Committee;
   (c) Senate Finance and Claims Committee;
   (d) House Education Committee;
   (e) House Local Government Committee; and
   (f) House Appropriations Committee;
   (3) Children, Families, Health, and Human Services Interim Committee:
   (a) Senate Public Health, Welfare, and Safety Committee;
   (b) Senate Finance and Claims Committee;
   (c) House Human Services Committee; and
   (d) House Appropriations Committee;
   (4) Law and Justice Interim Committee:
   (a) Senate Judiciary Committee;
   (b) Senate Finance and Claims Committee;
   (c) House Judiciary Committee; and
   (d) House Appropriations Committee;
   (5) Revenue and Transportation Interim Committee:
   (a) Senate Taxation Committee;
   (b) Senate Highways and Transportation Committee;
   (c) Senate Finance and Claims Committee;
   (d) House Taxation Committee;
   (e) House Transportation Committee; and
   (f) House Appropriations Committee;
   (6) State Administration and Veterans' Affairs Interim Committee:
   (a) Senate State Administration Committee;
   (b) Senate Finance and Claims Committee;
   (c) House State Administration Committee; and
   (d) House Appropriations Committee;
   (7) Energy and Telecommunications Interim Committee:
   (a) Senate Energy Committee;
   (b) House Federal Relations, Energy, and Telecommunications Committee;
   (c) House Appropriations Committee; and
   (d) Senate Finance and Claims Committee.

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