Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Joint Rules

   Joint Rule 40-110. Sponsor's fiscal note rebuttal. (1) If a sponsor elects to prepare a sponsor's fiscal note rebuttal pursuant to section 5-4-204, MCA, the sponsor shall make the election as provided and return the completed sponsor's fiscal note rebuttal form to the presiding officer within 4 days of the election. The form must identify the bill number, the sponsor of the bill, the date prepared, the version of the fiscal note being rebutted, the reasons the sponsor disagrees with the fiscal note, the items or assumptions in the fiscal note that the sponsor believes are incorrect, and the sponsor's estimate of the fiscal impact, if an estimate is available.
   (2) The presiding officer may grant additional time to the sponsor for preparation of the sponsor's fiscal note rebuttal.
   (3) Upon receipt of the completed sponsor's fiscal note rebuttal form, the presiding officer shall refer it to the committee hearing the bill. If the bill is printed, the form must be identified as a sponsor's fiscal note rebuttal, reproduced, and placed on the members' desks.
   (4) The Legislative Services Division shall provide forms for preparation of sponsors' fiscal note rebuttals and shall print the completed sponsors' fiscal note rebuttal forms on a different color paper than the fiscal notes prepared by the Budget Director.

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