Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Rules -- Senate

Appendix A

   List of Questions Requiring Other Than a Majority Vote
The following questions require the vote specified:
   (1) a call of the Senate with a quorum pursuant to S50-220(2) (five Senators);
   (2) a motion to lift a call of the Senate pursuant to S50-220(4) (two-thirds of the members present);
   (3) a motion to amend or suspend rules pursuant to S60-10 (two-thirds);
   (4) a motion to override the Governor's veto pursuant to S50-250 and Article VI, section 10(3), of the Montana Constitution (two-thirds);
   (5) a motion to approve a bill to appropriate the principal of the coal trust fund pursuant to Article IX, section 5, of the Montana Constitution (three-fourths of each house);
   (6) a motion to approve a bill to appropriate highway revenue as described in Article VIII, section 6, of the Montana Constitution for purposes other than those described in that section (three-fifths of each house);
   (7) a motion to approve a bill proposing to amend the Montana Constitution pursuant to Article XIV, section 8, of the Montana Constitution (two-thirds of the entire Legislature);
   (8) an appeal of the ruling of the presiding officer pursuant to S20-10 (one Senator, seconded by two other Senators);
   (9) a motion to approve a bill conferring immunity from suit as described in Article II, section 18, of the Montana Constitution (two-thirds);
   (10) a motion to approve a bill to appropriate the principal of the tobacco settlement trust fund pursuant to Article XII, section 4, of the Montana Constitution (two-thirds); and
   (11) a motion to appropriate the principal of the noxious weed management trust fund pursuant to Article IX, section 6, of the Montana Constitution (three-fourths).

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