Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Rules -- Senate

   Senate Rule S30-10. Committee appointments. (1) There is a Committee on Committees consisting of six members. If the Senate is evenly divided between parties, the committee shall consist of six Senators, three from the majority party and three from the minority party.
   (2) The Committee on Committees shall, with the approval of the Senate, appoint the members of Senate standing committees, select committees, and joint committees. Prior to making committee assignments, the Committee on Committees shall take into consideration the recommendations of the minority leader for minority committee assignments.
   (3) The minority leader shall designate the ranking minority member for each standing committee.
   (4) The President of the Senate shall appoint all conference committees and special committees, with the advice of the majority leader and minority leader.
   (5) The Senate may change the membership of any committee on 1 day's notice.

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