Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Rules -- Senate

   Senate Rule S30-60. Meetings -- notice -- purpose -- minutes. (1) All meetings of committees must be open to the public at all times, subject always to the power and authority of the chair to maintain safety, order, and decorum. The date, time, and place of committee meetings must be announced.
   (2) Notice of a committee hearing must be made by posting the date, time, and subject of the hearing in a conspicuous public place not less than 3 legislative days in advance of the hearing. This 3-day notice requirement does not apply to hearings scheduled:
   (a) prior to the third legislative day;
   (b) less than 10 legislative days before the transmittal deadline applicable to the subject of the hearing;
   (c) to consider confirmation of a gubernatorial appointment received less than 10 legislative days before the last scheduled day of a legislative session; or
   (d) due to appropriate circumstances.
   (3) When a committee hearing is scheduled with less than 3 days' notice, the committee chair shall use all practical means to disseminate notice of the hearing to the public.
   (4) Notice of conference committee hearings must be given as provided in Joint Rule 30-30.
   (5) A committee or subcommittee may be assembled for:
   (a) a public hearing at which testimony is to be heard and at which official action may be taken on bills, resolutions, or other matters;
   (b) a formal meeting at which the committees may discuss and take official action on bills, resolutions, or other matters without testimony; or
   (c) a work session at which the committee may discuss bills, resolutions, or other matters but take no formal action.
   (6) All committees meet at the call of the chair or upon the request of a majority of the members of the committee.
   (7) A committee may not meet during the time the Senate is in session without leave of the President. Any Senator attending a meeting while the Senate is in session must be considered excused to attend business of the Senate subject to a call of the Senate.
   (8) All meetings of committees must be recorded and the minutes must be available to the public within a reasonable time after the meeting. The official record must contain at least the following information:
   (a) the time and place of each meeting of the committee;
   (b) committee members present, excused, or absent;
   (c) the names and addresses of persons appearing before the committee, whom each represents, and whether the person is a proponent, opponent, or other witness;
   (d) all motions and their disposition;
   (e) the results of all votes; and
   (f) all testimony and exhibits.
   (9) If a bill is heard in a joint committee, it must be referred to a standing committee. The standing committee is not required to hold an additional hearing but shall take executive action and may report the bill to the Committee of the Whole.
   (10) A bill or resolution may not be considered or become a law unless referred to a committee and returned from a committee.
   (11) A bill may be rereferred at any time before its passage.

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