Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Rules -- Senate

   Senate Rule S50-120. Committee reports to Senate -- reconsideration. (1) Reports of standing committees must be read on Order of Business No. 2, and, subject to subsection (4), debate may not be had on any report.
   (2) On an adverse committee report, the sponsor may respond to the chair of the committee making the report.
   (3) Any Senator seeking a reconsideration of the Senate's action on the adoption of a committee report shall do so on Order of Business No. 6 by motion to reconsider as provided in S50-90. Any Senator may make the reconsideration motion and need not have voted on the prevailing side. This rule applies notwithstanding any joint rule to the contrary. Subject to S50-90(6), the reconsideration motion must be made within 1 legislative day of the adoption of the committee report and is not in order if the bill has been considered in Committee of the Whole.
   (4) (a) Subject to subsection (4)(b), the Rules Committee and conference committees may report at any time, except during a call of the Senate, when a vote is being taken, or during Committee of the Whole.
   (b) The Rules Committee may report during Committee of the Whole on matters referred to the Committee by the Committee of the Whole.

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