Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Rules -- Senate

   Senate Rule S50-20. Orders of business. After prayer, roll call, and report on the journal, the order of business of the Senate is as follows:
   (1) communications and petitions;
   (2) reports of standing committees;
   (3) reports of select committees;
   (4) messages from the Governor;
   (5) messages from the House of Representatives;
   (6) motions;
   (7) first reading and commitment of bills;
   (8) second reading of bills (Committee of the Whole);
   (9) third reading of bills;
   (10) unfinished business;
   (11) special orders of the day; and
   (12) announcement of committee meetings.
   To revert to or pass to a new order of business requires only a majority vote. Unless otherwise specified in the motion to recess, the Senate shall revert to Order of Business No. 1 when reconvening after a recess.

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