2-4-312. Publication and arrangement of register. (1) The secretary of state shall publish in the register all notices, rules, and interpretations filed with the secretary of state at least once a month but not more often than twice a month.
(2) The secretary of state shall send the register without charge to each person listed in 2-4-313(1) and to each member of the legislature requesting the register. The secretary of state shall send the register to any other person who pays a subscription fee, which must be established and deposited in accordance with 2-15-405. The register must be sent in electronic format unless a hard copy is requested.
(3) The register must contain three sections, including a rules section, a notice section, and an interpretation section, as follows:
(a) The rules section of the register must contain all rules filed since the compilation and publication of the preceding issue of the register, together with the statements required under 2-4-305(1).
(b) The notice section of the register must contain all rulemaking notices filed with the secretary of state pursuant to 2-4-302 since the compilation and publication of the preceding register.
(c) The interpretation section of the register must contain all opinions of the attorney general and all declaratory rulings of agencies issued since the publication of the preceding register.
(4) Each issue of the register must contain the issue number and date of the register and a table of contents. Each page of the register must contain the issue number and date of the register of which it is a part. The secretary of state may include with the register information to help the user in relating the register to the ARM.