Part 7. Pacific Northwest Economic Region

Participation In Pacific Northwest Economic Region

5-11-706. Participation in Pacific Northwest economic region. The Pacific Northwest economic region is hereby enacted into law and entered into by the state of Montana as a party and is in full force and effect in accordance with the terms of this agreement.


ARTICLE I -- Policy and Purpose

(1) States, provinces, and territories participating in the Pacific Northwest economic region shall seek to develop and establish policies that:

(a) promote greater regional collaboration among the eight entities;

(b) enhance the overall competitiveness of the region in international and domestic markets;

(c) increase the economic well-being of all citizens in the region; and

(d) improve the quality of life of the citizens of the Pacific Northwest.

(2) (a) States, provinces, and territories recognize that there are many public policy areas in which cooperation and joint efforts would be mutually beneficial. These areas include but are not limited to:

(i) international trade;

(ii) economic development;

(iii) human resources;

(iv) the environment and natural resources;

(v) energy; and

(vi) education.

(b) Parties to this agreement shall work diligently to establish collaborative activity in these and other appropriate policy areas in which cooperation is considered to be worthwhile and of benefit to the participating entities.

(c) Participating states, provinces, and territories also agree that there are areas in which cooperation may not be feasible.

(3) The substantive actions of the Pacific Northwest economic region may take the form of uniform legislation enacted by two or more states, provinces, or territories or policy initiatives endorsed as appropriate by participating entities. It is not necessary for all states, provinces, and territories to participate in each initiative.

ARTICLE II -- Eligible Parties and Effective Date

(1) Each of the following states, provinces, and territory is eligible to become a party to this agreement: Alaska, Alberta, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Yukon.

(2) This agreement establishing the Pacific Northwest economic region becomes effective when it is executed by one state, one province, and one additional state, province, or territory in a form considered appropriate by each entity.

(3) This agreement continues in force and remains binding upon each of the states, provinces, and territories entering into it until renounced by the state, province, or territory.

(4) Renunciation of this agreement must be preceded by sending 1 year's notice in writing of intention to withdraw from the agreement to all other parties to the agreement.

ARTICLE III -- Organizational Structure

(1) Each state, province, and territory participating in this agreement shall appoint representatives to the Pacific Northwest economic region.

(2) The organizational structure of the Pacific Northwest economic region consists of the following:

(a) a delegate council consisting of the governor or a designee and four legislators from each participating state and four representatives from each participating province and territory; and

(b) an executive committee consisting of one legislator from each participating state, province, or territory who is a member of the delegate council and four of the governors, premiers, or commissioners or their designees.

(3) Policy committees may be established to carry out further duties and responsibilities of the Pacific Northwest economic region.

ARTICLE IV -- Duties and Responsibilities

(1) The delegate council has the following duties and responsibilities:

(a) facilitate the involvement of other government officials in the development and implementation of specific collaborative initiatives;

(b) work with policymaking committees in the development and implementation of specific initiatives;

(c) approve general organizational policies developed by the executive committee;

(d) provide final approval of the annual budget and staffing structure for the Pacific Northwest economic region developed by the executive committee; and

(e) other duties and responsibilities established in the rules and regulations of the Pacific Northwest economic region.

(2) The executive committee shall perform the following duties and responsibilities:

(a) elect the president and vice president of the Pacific Northwest economic region;

(b) approve and implement general organizational policies;

(c) develop the annual budget;

(d) devise the annual action plan;

(e) act as liaison with other public and private sector entities; and

(f) other duties and responsibilities established in the rules and regulations of the Pacific Northwest economic region.

(3) The rules and regulations of the Pacific Northwest economic region must establish the procedure for voting.

ARTICLE V -- Membership of Policy Committees

(1) Policy committees dealing with specific subject matter may be established by the executive committee.

(2) Each participating state, province, and territory shall appoint legislators to sit on these policy committees in accordance with its own rules and regulations concerning appointments.

This agreement may not be construed to limit the powers of any state, province, or territory or to repeal or prevent the enactment of any legislation.

History: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 349, L. 2001.