Part 25. Change of Name of County

Form Of Petition

7-2-2503. Form of petition. (1) The form of petition for any change of name of a county, as provided in this part, must be substantially as follows:

In the district court of the .... judicial district of the state of Montana, in and for the county of .....

Petition for the change of the
name of ............ County

To the honorable district court of the .... judicial district of the state of Montana, in and for the county of ...............

We, the undersigned legal voters of the county of ...., state of Montana, respectfully petition the honorable district court that the name of .... County, Montana, be changed to the name of .... County, Montana.

The reasons for the proposed change of name are as follows (here set out reasons):

We further petition this honorable court to appoint a time for the hearing of this petition and of objections to this petition that may be filed before that date.

Each voter whose signature is affixed certifies that the voter has personally signed this petition and that the residence, post-office address, and voting precinct of the signer are correctly written after the signature.

Name Residence P.O. Address Voting Precinct

Numbered lines for names.

(2) Each sheet for petitioners' signatures must be attached to a full and correct copy of the petition, and the petition may be filed with the clerk of the district court in sections for convenience in handling.

History: En. Sec. 4, Ch. 113, L. 1917; re-en. Sec. 4430, R.C.M. 1921; re-en. Sec. 4430, R.C.M. 1935; R.C.M. 1947, 16-704; amd. Sec. 277, Ch. 61, L. 2007.