Part 27. Abandonment and Consolidation of Counties

Special Funding Bond District Bonds

7-2-2748. Special funding bond district bonds. (1) Bonds issued under 7-2-2747 shall not be issued for a longer period than 10 years and shall be issued without submitting the question of doing so to any election. Such bonds shall be issued in the name of such district and shall be signed by the trustees. The clerk shall attest the same and affix the seal of the district thereof, and they shall be registered in the office of the county treasurer, who shall certify such registration on such bonds. Except as otherwise provided herein and insofar as the same are not in conflict herewith, all of the provisions of 7-7-107, 7-7-108, 7-7-123, 7-7-124, 7-7-2104, 7-7-2106, and parts 22 and 23 of chapter 7 shall apply to, govern, and control the issuance, sale, and payment of such bonds, with the interest thereon, and the levying of taxes for such purposes.

(2) There shall be inserted and made a part of each such bond statements setting forth the purpose for which the same is issued and that said bonds do not incur, create, or constitute any indebtedness or obligation whatever on the part of the county of (naming the county whose board of county commissioners, acting as such trustees, are issuing such bonds) but that the principal and interest thereof will be paid by special millage taxes levied against all of the taxable property situated within the boundaries of such special funding bond district.

History: En. Sec. 16, Ch. 105, L. 1937; R.C.M. 1947, 16-4016(part); amd. Sec. 6, Ch. 370, L. 1987.