Part 2. Collection of Fee

Deficiency Assessment -- Penalty And Interest -- Hearing

15-67-206. (Temporary) Deficiency assessment -- penalty and interest -- hearing. (1) If the department determines that the amount of fees due is greater than the amount disclosed by the report, it shall mail to the intermediate care facility a notice of the additional fees proposed to be assessed. Within 30 days after the mailing of the notice, the intermediate care facility may file with the department a written protest against the proposed additional fees, setting forth the grounds upon which the protest is based, and may request in its protest an oral hearing or an opportunity to present additional evidence relating to its fee liability. If a protest is not filed, the amount of the additional fees proposed to be assessed becomes final upon the expiration of the 30-day period. If a protest is filed, the department shall reconsider the proposed assessment and, if the intermediate care facility has requested it, shall grant the intermediate care facility an oral hearing. After consideration of the protest and the evidence presented at an oral hearing, the department's action upon the protest is final when it mails notice of its action to the intermediate care facility.

(2) When a deficiency is determined and the fees become final, the department shall mail notice and demand to the intermediate care facility. Penalty and interest must be added to any deficiency assessment and accrues from the date specified in 15-67-201 for payment of the fees. A certificate by the department of the mailing of the notices specified in this section is prima facie evidence of the computation and levy of the deficiency in the fees and of the giving of the notices. (Void on occurrence of contingency--sec. 17, Ch. 531, L. 2003--see chapter compiler's comment.)

History: En. Sec. 8, Ch. 531, L. 2003; amd. Sec. 37, Ch. 594, L. 2005.