20-7-1303. Youth athletes -- concussion education requirements. (1) Each school district in this state offering organized youth athletic activities shall adopt policies and procedures to inform athletic trainers, coaches, officials, youth athletes, and parents or guardians of the nature and risk of brain injuries, including the effects of continuing to play after a concussion. The policies, content, and protocols must be consistent with current medical knowledge and guidelines provided by the U.S. department of health and human services, centers for disease control and prevention, as to:
(a) the nature and risk of brain injuries associated with athletic activity;
(b) the signs, symptoms, and behaviors consistent with a brain injury;
(c) the need to alert a licensed health care professional for urgent recognition and treatment when a youth athlete exhibits signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion; and
(d) the need to follow proper medical direction and protocols for treatment and returning to play after a youth athlete sustains a concussion.
(2) A form documenting that educational materials referred to in subsection (1) have been provided to and viewed by each youth athlete and the youth athlete's parent or guardian must be signed by each youth athlete and the youth athlete's parent or guardian and returned to an official designated by the school or school district prior to the youth athlete's participation in organized youth athletic activities for the subsequent school year.
(3) School districts shall ensure access to a training program consistent with subsection (1). Each coach, athletic trainer, and official participating in organized youth athletic activities shall complete the training program at least once each school year.
(4) School districts may invite the participation of appropriate advocacy groups and appropriate sports governing bodies to facilitate the requirements of subsections (1) through (3).