Part 7. Flood Control and Planning

Additional Powers

85-8-702. Additional powers. To the end that soil and water conservation measures may be improved, flood prevention and drainage programs strengthened, and the land and water economy of the state stabilized, the following additional powers are conferred upon presently existing drainage districts or new districts as created and established under this chapter and laws amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto:

(1) to carry out necessary measures for the prevention of floodwater and sediment damages and for the conservation, development, utilization, and disposal of water and to adopt necessary regulations, policies, and procedures to accomplish these ends, subject to the approval of the district court and on proper notice to interested parties as is provided for in the general statutes pertaining to drainage districts;

(2) to cooperate and enter into agreements to carry out the purposes of this part with (and to receive financial and other assistance from) state agencies and political subdivisions of the state, other organizations created under state laws, and the government of the United States and agencies thereof and to enter into agreements with (and to accept contributions from) private landowners for the purposes of this part;

(3) to construct, operate, and maintain such works of improvement, including structures and related measures, as are needed to carry out their broadened purposes as set forth herein, subject to the approval of the district court and on proper notice to interested parties as set forth in this chapter;

(4) to acquire lands, easements, and rights-of-way for sites for structures and for the flowage or impoundment of waters, such acquisitions for such purposes to be accomplished in the same manner and through the same powers and procedures as provided for under this chapter;

(5) to enlarge their boundaries to permit the construction of additional needed works of improvement or to construct additional needed works of improvement outside their boundaries, subject to approval of the district court and on proper notice to interested parties in the manner set forth in this chapter;

(6) to make assessments and issue bonds for carrying out the purposes of this part and for constructing, maintaining, and operating any structures or improvements established as provided herein, such assessments and bond issues to be made in the same manner and through the same procedures as under this chapter, including the right to extend annual installments for repayment of construction costs over a period of not more than 50 years and subject to the approval of the district court in the same manner and on the same notice to the interested parties as in the first instance of approving assessments, bond issues, and benefits.

History: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 3, L. 1957; R.C.M. 1947, 89-2822.