Part 7. Importation, Introduction, and Transplantation of Wildlife

Noncontrolled Exotic Wildlife Authorized For Possession Or Sale

87-5-706. Noncontrolled exotic wildlife authorized for possession or sale. (1) The following noncontrolled exotic wildlife may not be released or transplanted in the state but may be possessed or sold as pets in Montana without a permit:

(a) tropical and subtropical birds in the order Passeriformes, including but not limited to birds in the families:

(i) Sturnidae (mynahs);

(ii) Ramphastidae (toucans, toucanettes);

(iii) Fringillidae (siskins);

(iv) Estrildidae (finches);

(v) Emberizidae (cardinals);

(vi) Ploceidae (weavers);

(vii) Timaliidae (mesias);

(viii) Viduinae (wydahs);

(ix) Thraupidae (tanagers);

(x) Zosteropidae (zosterops);

(xi) Psittacidae (parrots);

(xii) Loriidae (lories); and

(xiii) Cacatuidae (cockatoos);

(b) nonnative species in the subfamily Phaisianae, except:

(i) chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar);

(ii) gray (Hungarian) partridge (Perdix perdix);

(iii) ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus); and

(iv) turkey (Meleagris gallopavo);

(c) all tropical fish, subtropical fish, marine fish, common goldfish (Carassius auratus), and koi (Cyprinus carpio) for use in residential and office aquariums;

(d) unless otherwise regulated pursuant to 87-5-116, all nonnative tropical and subtropical species of nonvenomous snakes not on the controlled or prohibited lists in the families:

(i) Boidae (boas);

(ii) Bolyeriidae (Round Island Boas);

(iii) Tropidophiidae (dwarf boas);

(iv) Pythonidae (pythons);

(v) Colubridae (modern snakes);

(vi) Acrochordidae (file and elephant trunk snakes);

(vii) Xenopeltidae (sunbeam snakes);

(viii) Aniliidae (pipe snakes);

(ix) Uropeltidae (shield-tailed snakes);

(x) Anomalepididae (blind snakes);

(xi) Leptotyphlopidae (blind snakes); and

(xii) Typhlopidae (blind snakes);

(e) unless otherwise regulated pursuant to 87-5-116, all nonnative tropical and subtropical species of nonvenomous lizards not on the controlled or prohibited lists, including but not limited to the following families or subfamilies:

(i) Agamidae (chisel-teeth lizards);

(ii) Amphisbaenidae (worm lizards);

(iii) Anelytropsidae (limbless lizards);

(iv) Anguidae (glass and alligator lizards);

(v) Anniellidae (legless lizards);

(vi) Chamaeleonidae (chameleons);

(vii) Cordylidae (girdle-tailed lizards);

(viii) Corytophanidae (casquehead lizards);

(ix) Crotaphytidae (collared and leopard lizards);

(x) Dibamidae (blind lizards);

(xi) Eublepharidae (eyelid geckos);

(xii) Feyliniidae (African snake skinks);

(xiii) Gekkonidae (geckos);

(xiv) Helodermatidae (beaded lizards and gila monsters);

(xv) Iguanidae (iguanas);

(xvi) Lacertidae (wall lizards);

(xvii) Lanthanotidae (earless monitor);

(xviii) Phrynosomatidae (earless, spiny, and horned lizards);

(xix) Polychrotidae (anoles);

(xx) Pygopodidae (snake lizards);

(xxi) Scincidae (skinks);

(xxii) Teiidae (whiptail);

(xxiii) Tropiduridae (neotropical ground lizards);

(xxiv) Varanidae (monitor lizard);

(xxv) Xantusiidae (night lizards); and

(xxvi) Xenosauridae (knob-scaled lizards);

(f) unless otherwise regulated pursuant to 87-5-116, all nonnative tropical and subtropical species of turtles with a carapace or shell length of more than 4 inches and not on the controlled or prohibited lists in the families:

(i) Carettochelyidae (New Guinea softshell turtles);

(ii) Chelidae (snake-necked turtles);

(iii) Chelydridae (snapping turtles);

(iv) Dermatemydidae (Central American river turtle);

(v) Emydidae (pond turtles);

(vi) Kinosternidae (mud turtles and musk turtles);

(vii) Pelomedusidae (hidden-necked turtles);

(viii) Platysternidae (big-headed turtle);

(ix) Testudinidae (tortoises); and

(x) Trionychidae (soft-shelled turtles);

(g) unless otherwise regulated pursuant to 87-5-116, all nonnative tropical and subtropical species of frogs and toads not on the controlled or prohibited lists in the families:

(i) Atelopodidae (harlequin frogs);

(ii) Bufonidae (true toads);

(iii) Centrolenidae (glass frogs);

(iv) Dendrobatidae (poison dart frogs);

(v) Hylidae (tree frogs);

(vi) Leptodactylidae (rain frogs);

(vii) Microhylidae (narrow-mouthed toads);

(viii) Pelobatidae (spadefoot toads);

(ix) Pelodytidae (old world spadefoot toads);

(x) Ranidae (true frogs, except bullfrogs, Rana catesbeiana);

(xi) Rhacophoridae (old world tree frogs); and

(xii) Rhinophrynidae (Mexican burrowing frog);

(h) unless otherwise regulated pursuant to 87-5-116, all nonnative tropical and subtropical species of limbless amphibians not on the controlled or prohibited lists in the families:

(i) Caeciliidae (caecilians);

(ii) Ichthyophiidae (fish caecilians);

(iii) Rhinatrematidae (beaked caecilians);

(iv) Scolecomorphidae (tropical caecilians); and

(v) Uraeotyphlidae (Indian caecilians); and

(i) unless otherwise regulated pursuant to 87-5-116, all nonnative tropical and subtropical species of salamanders not on the controlled or prohibited lists in the families:

(i) Ambystomatidae (mole salamanders);

(ii) Amphiumidae (amphiumas);

(iii) Cryptobranchidae (hellbenders);

(iv) Dicamptodontidae (giant salamanders);

(v) Hynobiidae (Asian salamanders);

(vi) Plethodontidae (woodland salamanders);

(vii) Proteidae (waterdogs);

(viii) Salamandridae (newts, except for rough-skinned newt, Taricha granulosa); and

(ix) Sirenidae (sirens).

(2) The commission may by rule authorize the possession or sale of other species of noncontrolled exotic wildlife that are not listed in subsection (1) if it is determined that the other species present minimal disease, ecological, environmental, safety, or health risks.

History: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 536, L. 2003.