Montana Code Annotated 2017



Part 2. Organization and Reorganization

Transfer Of Stock Or Account -- Effect

32-2-211. Transfer of stock or account -- effect. (1) The delivery of a capital stock certificate of a building and loan association to a bona fide purchaser or pledgee for value, together with a written transfer of the same or a written power of attorney to sell, assign, or transfer the same, signed by the owner of the certificate, shall be a sufficient delivery to transfer the title as against the creditors of the transferor and subsequent purchasers; but no such transfer shall affect the right of the building and loan association to pay any dividend due upon the stock or treat the holder of record as the holder in fact until such transfer is recorded upon the books of the building and loan association or a new certificate is issued to the person to whom it has been transferred.

(2) A savings account or any interest therein is transferable on the books of the association only upon proper written application and acceptance by the association of the transferee as a member, subject to terms approved by the board of directors. The association may treat the holder of record of a savings account as the owner thereof without being affected by any notice to the contrary unless the association has acknowledged in writing the receipt of notice of a pledge of the savings account.

History: En. Sec. 14, Ch. 57, L. 1927; re-en. Sec. 6355.15, R.C.M. 1935; R.C.M. 1947, 7-116; amd. Sec. 8, Ch. 5, L. 1983.