Amendments to House Bill No. 2

Committee Study Bill Copy

Requested by Representative Kimberly Dudik

For the House Appropriations Committee

Prepared by Katie Guenther

March 11, 2019 (9:08am)

1. Page A-1, line 20: .

Strike: "300,000"[State Special Fund FY 20]

Insert: "200,000"[State Special Fund FY 20]

2. Page A-5: .

Following: line 22

Insert: "h. Main Street Montana Rural Partners Program (Restricted/OTO)"

Insert: "50,000 50,000"[State Special Fund FY 20 FY 21]

3. Page A-6: .

Following: line 3

Insert: "Main Street Montana Rural Partners Program is contingent on passage and approval of LC 383, and LC 383 must include a transfer of $200,000 to the legislative committees activities state special revenue account and $100,000 to a state special revenue account in the department of commerce from the state special revenue account established in 30-14-143. "

- END -

Explanation - This amendment removes $100,000 in state special revenue in FY 2020 from the appropriation for the Council of State Governments Conference in Legislative Committees and Activities in the Legislative Branch.

This amendment provides a restricted, one-time-only state special revenue appropriation of $50,000 each fiscal year for the Main Street Rural Partners Program in the Department of Commerce. This appropriation is restricted to help communities develop plans for economic development and historic preservation that maintains local historic integrity and quality of life. Funding for this appropriation will be transferred from the consumer protection account at the Department of Justice.