
Amendments to House Bill No. 2

Committee Study Bill Copy

Requested by Representative Frederick (Eric) Moore

For the House Appropriations Committee

Prepared by Jon Arnold

March 8, 2019 (2:35pm)

1. Page B-2: .

Following: line 15

Insert: "Senior & Long Term Care - County Nursing Home Intergovernmental Transfer (IGT) may be used only to make one-time payments to nursing homes based on the number of Medicaid services provided. State special revenue in County Nursing Home IGT may be expended only after the office of budget and program planning has certified that the department has collected the amount that is necessary to make one-time payments to nursing homes based on the number of Medicaid services provided and to fund the base budget in the nursing facility program and the community services program at the level of $564,785 from the counties participating in the intergovernmental transfer program for the nursing facilities."

- END -

Explanation - This amendment restricts County Nursing Home Intergovernmental Transfer (IGT)funds at Senior & Long Term Care Division to be used to make one-time payments to nursing homes based on the number of Medicaid services provided and requires the department to fund the base budget for the nursing facility program at a specified level.