
Amendments to House Bill No. 2

Committee Study Bill Copy

Requested by Representative Frederick (Eric) Moore

For the House Appropriations Committee

Prepared by Jon Arnold

March 11, 2019 (7:28am)

1. Page B-2, line 1: .

Strike: "79,837,980 81,906,012" [General Fund FY20 FY21]

Insert: "75,278,507 77,353,461" [General Fund FY20 FY21]


Strike: "19,535,539 19,600,171" [State Special Fund FY20 FY21]

Insert: "18,901,075 18,968,909" [State Special Fund FY20 FY21]


Strike: "51,212,874 54,651,235" [Federal Special Fund FY20 FY21]

Insert: "47,505,070 50,954.927" [Federal Special Fund FY20 FY21]

- END -

Explanation - This amendment reduces the personal services appropriation at the Department of Public Health and Human Services.

The total personal services budget is reduced by half of the total salary and benefits of FTE that were vacant at the time of the 2018 snapshot. Salary and benefits of FTE reduced through previous legislative action are not included in this calculation. The amendment does not remove FTE. The total 2021 biennium reduction is $9,112,024 general fund, $1,265,726 state special revenue, and $7,404,112 federal funds.

The reduction has been taken from the Addictive and Mental Disorders Division with the understanding that DPHHS may adjust the personal services budget across the agency as needed.