
Mr. Chairman:

I move to amend House Bill 2 (second house second reading copy -- tan).

Signed: ____________________________

Senator Ryan Osmundson

And, that such amendments to House Bill 2 (second house second reading copy -- tan) read as follows:

1. Page C-2, line 17: Department of Environmental Quality.

Strike: "12,194,017 12,191,443"  [State Special Fund FY20 FY21]

Insert: "11,694,017 11,691,443"  [State Special Fund FY20 FY21]

2. Page C-2: Department of Environmental Quality.

Following: line 19

Insert: "b. Petroleum Tank Cleanup (Restricted/OTO)" 

Insert: "500,000 500,000"   [State Special Fund FY20 FY21]

3. Page D-2, line 30: Department of Justice.

Strike: line 30 in its entirety

4. Page D-4, line 21:Department of Corrections.

Strike: "77,693,562 78,222,097"   [General Fund FY 20 FY 21]

Insert: "77,278,112 77,750,302"   [General Fund FY 20 FY 21]


Following: line 23

Insert: "b. Provider Rate Increases"

Insert: "415,450 471,795 "   [General Fund FY 20 FY 21]

5. Page E-6, line 2: Montana State Library.

Strike: "1,880,403 1,947,312"[State Special Fund FY 20 FY 21]

Insert: "1,780,403 1,797,312"[State Special Fund FY 20 FY 21]

6. Page E-6: Montana State Library.

Following: line 4

Insert: "b. Montana State Library Funding (OTO)"

Insert: "100,000 150,000"    [State Special Fund FY 20 FY 21]

- END -

Explanation - Item 1 and 2 corrects a line item within the Department of Environmental Quality, the legislative intent was to designate the appropriation as restricted and one time only (OTO). The change does not impact the overall funding for the agency.

Item 3 strikes language in the bill that should have been included in the HB 2 companion bill rather than HB 2.

Item 4 corrects a line item within the Department of Corrections, it does not impact the overall funding for the agency.

Items 5 and 6 corrects line items within the Montana State Library reflecting legislative intent to designate the appropriation as one-time-only. The change does not impact the overall funding for the agency.